By Jeffrey NewPet Rabbits are fun to raise except when you have to go out and take care of them at 10 below zero. Considering this is the exception rather than the rule, we'll assume that, generally speaking, they are fun to raise. Pet rabbits are gentle and inquisitive animals that are basically easy to care for, making them an ideal pet for adults and families with older children. Rabbits are typically anxious and timid animals that frighten easily, not a good pet for small children because they do not know how to be gentle and calm around the rabbit. Pet rabbits are natural property destroyers, so they need plenty of chew toys and digging boxes to keep them occupied. Provide them with cardboard boxes for chewing and a box of shredded newspaper for digging.Rabbits are smart creatures and with a little time, discipline, and affection they can be easily litter trained and many rabbit owners will allow their rabbits free run of their home, at least for part of the day. Pet rabbits are often allowed the "run of the house" and being inveterate chewers, they often get into trouble by chewing on electrical cords, poisonous house paints, floor mats and rugs. Death by electrocution or serious burns and intestinal impaction respectively are the most frequent consequences of these unsupervised activities. Pet rabbits are not descendants of cottontails - they are not even the same species. rosetta stone software
Wild rabbits are born with instincts that help them to survive outdoors, but your pet rabbit does not have those instincts.Pet rabbits are not known for their willingness to take medications. If you have to give your pet rabbit liquid mediation you will need to use a syringe no needle or an eye dropper. Pet rabbits are often taken to the vets with anorexia, which may have a number of causes. They can die if the anorexia is left untreated, so it is important to diagnose the condition promptly.Pet rabbits are prone to being overweight due to their relative sedentary life as domestic pets, compared to their life in the wild. Being overweight puts pressure on the rabbit's heart and joints and may dramatically reduce your pet's lifespan. Pet rabbits are best kept indoors in order to keep them safe from predators and extreme weather. Remember domesticated rabbits do not have the same natural abilities for survival as their wild relatives. Pet rabbits are domesticated prey animals who are highly sensitive to their environment. The natural curiosity and energy level of young children can create too much stress for most rabbits.Pet bunnies are usually fine kept in a dry well-ventilated, sheltered corner of the garden or yard. Bunnies prefer a cool environment. They have no way to cool their bodies when it is hot. There must be protection from draughts, wind and rain. Rabbits are clean by nature Rosetta Stone American English
and will usually use a litter box if one is provided. Most pet rabbits choose a corner of the litter box to designate as their "potty" area.Pet rabbits are not suited to live in the ‘wild’. The females are constantly pregnant and the males fight with each other, often until one dies. Pet rabbits are also judged at 4-H competitions.Bonding of pet rabbits simply means introducing another rabbit to your existing rabbit to co-exist with the other. The most important thing in bonding is to first have both rabbits spayed or neutered. Bonding your rabbit with another may take time, however. Territorial feelings can arise and result in aggression.Pelleted litter is the best product to use for lining the litterbox and is preferred over wood shavings or corn cob. Pelleted litters are nontoxic, so they won't hurt your rabbit if digested and they draw moisture away, which keeps the surface drier and controls odor. Pelleted commercial food is probably the easiest diet to feed your rabbit. If you choose the mix type of foods then take care that the rabbit eats all of it and not just the most tasty bits!They're easier to take care of than cat/dog, don't need yearly shots, don't make noises when you're gone, are very affectionate/lovable, and can be spade neutered just like cat dog can. I think they make great pets. They're not stupid, and they enjoy their freedom. The trick is to find something they like even more than freedom.Cages that are spacious enough, easy to clean, and easy to for your rabbit to get in and out of, will make sharing your home with a rabbit so much easier. A cage that is large enough is important for the well-being of your pet rabbit, but is is no substitute for exercise and social time out of the cage. Cage maintenance also reduces the risk of developing harmful bacteria that might affect the rabbits health. Always check the waste disposal hatch daily and clean the uneaten food to avoid food poisoning. Cages can be purchased at pet lovers palace, farm supply stores or from rabbit raisers who make their own cages as well as sell them. Bedding straw should be replaced on a daily basis and the hutch should be cleaned thoroughly each week. Insect mesh around the hutch will protect the rabbits from mosquitoes and other insects. Bedding material should be provided especially in cold and wet weather for the outdoor rabbit. The best thing to use is straw on top of a layer of the wood shavings in the sleeping compartment.Rabbit Show Basics is a comprehensive look at what happens at a rabbit show and how you can make the most of the each show. A Glossary of Terms in Showing Rabbits can help you decode the lingo used Learn French
at rabbit shows. Rabbits also need to run and exercise everyday. Rabbits are social animals and pet rabbits need social interaction with their owner or other pet rabbits in order to be happy. Rabbits love sugar but should not be given cookies, chocolate or many of the other people treats they often are. I frequently read about owners feeding their rabbits table scraps and cringe.Rabbits are social animals and can be good pets if delicately handled. They even respond to mild training and can even develop an interactive relationship with its owner. Rabbits should have plenty of room to get a really good run up to speed. They love to dance and do silly jumps when they are happy. Rabbits have very delicate spines and care should be taken in handling them. Never pick up your rabbit by the ears alone.Rabbit training requires a lot of patience especially when you are training baby bunnies and unspayed bunnies. It is also advisable to put out more than two litter boxes while the rabbit is learning. Rabbits come in a variety of sizes, colors and personalities. They are warm, gentle creatures that require time, commitment and care. Rabbits should be allowed at least several hours outside of their housing to run, jump, explore and interact with their family daily. Multi-level bunny condos are also one way to give your rabbit the space they need while minimizing the amount of floor space dedicated to his/her housing.